Posts Tagged "Health Insurance"

Open Enrollment: What Is It and How Does It Work?

By on Sep 18, 2023 in custom content for benefit agencies, Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits |

For millions of Americans, the end of the year is open enrollment season – a yearly opportunity to take stock of your health care needs and select the health insurance plan that works best for you.  It is a window of time – typically in the fall – when you can sign up for health insurance, review, assess, and modify your existing benefits. There are more...

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The Benefits of Health Insurance: Why we all need it

By on Aug 7, 2023 in Blog, custom content for benefit agencies |

Health insurance may not be the most exciting thing to shop for but it’s one of the most important things that you can buy for yourself and for your family.  Having health insurance has many benefits.  It protects you and your family from financial loss in the same way that home or car insurance does.  Even if you are in good health, you never know when you might...

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How To Be an Wise Healthcare Consumer

By on Jul 13, 2023 in Blog, custom content for benefit agencies |

With health care costs on the rise, it’s more important than ever to take responsibility for your medical care choices. Asking questions and researching your options are good ways to start taking control of how much you spend on health care. Becoming an educated healthcare consumer is important for making informed decisions about your health and getting the best...

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Health Insurance: Four Factors Driving the Increasing Healthcare Costs

By on May 22, 2023 in Blog, custom content for benefit agencies |

Healthcare costs, and consequently employee health benefit costs, have been growing at an alarming rate in recent years. The U.S. as a nation spends more on health care than any other developed country but has worse health outcomes.  How is this possible? Four Key Factors Driving U.S. Healthcare Costs: Aging Population Healthcare gets more expensive when the...

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