Posts Tagged "social media for business"

5 Ways to Optimize LinkedIn for Your Benefit Agency

By on Apr 13, 2016 in Blog, Blogging, Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits, SEO, Social Media |

LinkedIn is fast proving to be the foremost social media site for B2B marketing. Employee benefit agencies that rely on cultivating relationships in order to market a product or service may find utilizing more fast-moving social platforms like Twitter or Instagram challenging, but LinkedIn provides a space for professionals to interact with one another, share...

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3 Ways Social Media Helps Employee Benefits Firms

By on Mar 29, 2016 in Blog, Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits, Website Design |

In the world of employee benefits, we know that relationships are key. Particularly for independent firms, a new client is more likely to be obtained through a game of golf with a current client who knows local business owners than by a YouTube video explaining an online enrollment process. However, companies that do this type of B2B marketing can highly benefit...

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5 Content Tips For Your Facebook Business Page

By on Feb 23, 2015 in Facebook |

How much time are you devoting to your Facebook business page? If it’s something you created awhile ago but don’t regularly review, you may be missing a valuable way to grow your business. Whether your goal is to boost sales, engage with current and prospective customers or simply build awareness of your brand—having a Facebook strategy in mind will enable you to...

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5 Key Benefits of Email Marketing

By on Jan 21, 2015 in Social Media |

Rockstar Technology is your business solution not only for email marketing campaigns but all social media and website needs as well!  Contact us today to discuss optimizing your online presence today! With the overwhelming breakthrough of social media, search engine optimization and mobile marketing, it’s safe to say email marketing is on the verge of death, right?...

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Reasons to Invest in a Well Designed Website

By on Jan 6, 2015 in Website design |

You may ask yourself the question, “My business is ticking over nicely, why should I pay for a well designed website?” Your website is open 24/7 A website allows your business to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are millions of people, from all over the world, online at any time of the day. Many of them are looking to source products or...

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