Posts Tagged "social media advocacy"

Check out this awesome custom video from eTekhnos! | Texas Benefits Agency Marketing

By on Jul 5, 2018 in Blog, Blogging, Social Media, Uncategorized, Videos |

Videos are the hottest trend in social media. In fact, Buzzsumo’s research on 880 million Facebook posts in 2017 found that video posts have the highest average engagement and twice the level of engagement of other post types on average. The video team at eTekhnos produces informative, custom videos each month. Take a peek at this one on the Benefits of Health...

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How To Turn Your Employees Into Your Top Social Media Advocates

By on Aug 11, 2016 in Blog, Blogging, Social Media |

Almost every business today is on social media. Whether you’ve opted for a Facebook or LinkedIn company page, are active on Twitter or even post videos on YouTube, you’ve most likely bought into the need to have an online presence. But have you considered how a social media strategy that includes online employee advocacy can drastically impact your brand? Research...

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