Posts Tagged "social media"

New Website Launched for BJA Partners | eTekhnos Web Design

By on Sep 13, 2016 in Blog, Blogging, Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits, Facebook, Portfolio, SEO, Social Media, Website Design, Website design |

We’re excited to show off our latest website redesign for BJA Partners, based in San Diego!                   The new BJA Partners website was recently launched in long-page format with a San Diego skyline graphic creating a local, modern feel that is easy to navigate.  The site is mobile-responsive, clean...

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How To Turn Your Employees Into Your Top Social Media Advocates

By on Aug 11, 2016 in Blog, Blogging, Social Media |

Almost every business today is on social media. Whether you’ve opted for a Facebook or LinkedIn company page, are active on Twitter or even post videos on YouTube, you’ve most likely bought into the need to have an online presence. But have you considered how a social media strategy that includes online employee advocacy can drastically impact your brand? Research...

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5 Ways to Optimize LinkedIn for Your Benefit Agency

By on Apr 13, 2016 in Blog, Blogging, Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits, SEO, Social Media |

LinkedIn is fast proving to be the foremost social media site for B2B marketing. Employee benefit agencies that rely on cultivating relationships in order to market a product or service may find utilizing more fast-moving social platforms like Twitter or Instagram challenging, but LinkedIn provides a space for professionals to interact with one another, share...

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Benefit Communication in the Mobile World – Benefits Technology

By on Oct 16, 2014 in Social Media |

Benefit and HR communications have long been a challenge for HR departments and the benefit consultants that support them. The struggle to communicate effectively with employees so that they better understand and utilize their employee benefits has made little progress in recent years. Now more than ever benefit professionals are looking at cross selling voluntary...

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