Our Client from gbs, Chris Wolpert, was featured in U.S. News and World Report!
We are so happy to see our friend, Chris Wolpert from Group Benefit Solutions, featured in U.S. News and World Report late last month. He gives great advice about starting a business and what to do with the revenue once it starts coming in. His business operates under a one-third rule, check out how he does it here!
Read the whole article here.
New Website Launched for Kaminsky & Associates
We are excited to show off our new website creation for Kaminsky & Associates, based in Maumee, Ohio!
The site is easy to navigate, clean and concise, and has everything potential or current clients need to know.
Visit the Kaminsky & Associates website at www.teamkaminsky.com!
Contact us to learn more about custom website design, SEO optimization, email marketing, and social media solutions!
New Website Launched for Assured Partners Consulting
We’re excited to show off our latest website redesign for Assured Partners Consulting, based in Reno, Nevada!
The site is mobile-responsive, clean and concise, and provides a one-stop resource for potential and current clients.
Visit the new APC website at assuredpc.com!
Updated Teladoc Explainer Video – Branded to your Agency
We recently updated the video template introducing Teladoc to employees. Benefit agencies who provide and market this service can have a branded version of this video delivered in a few days and for only $150.
See all our benefit agency designs and template on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJbDjP6C793bbHUJqAiyHdA
New Website Launched for JKJ Benefits
We’re excited to show off our latest website redesign for JKJ Benefits, based in Ft. Worth, Texas!
The site is mobile-responsive, clean and concise, and provides a one-stop resource for potential and current clients.
Visit the new JKJ website at jkjbenefits.com!
New Website Launched for Self-Insurance.expert
We’re excited to show off our latest website design for Self-Insurance.expert!
The site is mobile-responsive, clean and concise, and provides a one-stop resource for potential and current clients.
Visit the new Self-Insurance.expert website at self-insurance.expert!
New Website Launched for JRW Associates
We’re excited to show off our latest website redesign for JRW Associates, based in Raleigh, North Carolina!
The site is mobile-responsive, clean and concise, and provides a one-stop resource for potential and current clients.
Visit the new JRW website at jrwassoc.com!
Custom Content Article for Benefit Agencies
TeleMedicine – The NextGen Benefit of Minor Healthcare
It’s not surprising that 2017 stands to be the year many will have an experience to share using a Telemedicine or a Virtual Doctor service. With current market trends, government regulations, and changing economic demands, it’s fast becoming a more popular alternative to traditional healthcare visits. And, as healthcare costs continue to rise and there are more strategic pricing options and digital models available to users, the appeal for consumers, self-insured employers, health systems and health plans to jump on board is significant.
In a recent study conducted by the Aloft Group on the state of Telemedicine, 47.7% of respondents weren’t sure about what Telemedicine meant, but it’s possible they may have experienced it, as 52.4% have had interaction with a physician or clinician via email or text. Further, 78.5% of respondents indicated they would be comfortable talking with a physician using an online method.
Dr. Tony Yuan, an experienced ER doctor in San Diego, who also consults for Doctor on Demand, provides insight into this increasing trend during a recent Q and A session. Currently, over half of the patients he sees in his ER could utilize a digital healthcare model. In fact, 90% of patients who head to the ER for minor illnesses can be treated through this service. So, the next sinus, ear infection, or other minor health issue just may provide you and your family the chance to try what will become the new standard in minor healthcare.
Here are few benefits TeleMedicine has to offer:
It’s Fast and Simple
There’s no question apps are available for everything to make our lives easier—and TeleMed is no exception. Within minutes, standard first time users can set up an account, complete a few medical profile questions, then create and save a session. Having the ability to log on with a board-certified physician or clinician 24/7/365, using any PC, smart device, and even phone in some cases, saves time and money. Many services, like Teledoc and MDLive, will connect you with a licensed doctor or clinician online in just a few minutes – no scheduling or wait required. Once on, you can discuss your healthcare needs confidentially. After the visit, the doctor will update his/her records, notify your primary care physician of the call, and send an electronic prescription to the pharmacy of your choice, if necessary—all in the time it takes for a lunch break.
It’s Flexible
The ability to connect with a professional whether you are at home, work, or traveling makes getting the care you need invaluable. How often have you experienced the symptoms—or the full blown-effect—of getting sick while traveling? Many, no doubt, have had to adjust flight/travel plans to get the help needed from their PCP, in order to avoid getting worse. By using an app or online service from your smart phone or laptop, you’re able to get the antibiotics you need quicker without cutting trips short or missing work to do so.
In addition, patients in smaller communities without the resources available of classically- trained, emergency-med physicians, see the benefit and flexibility of tapping into these online doctor services. Not only is it a plus for the patient to access more advanced care if needed, doctors in these rural areas value this as well. These digital healthcare models provide immediate, life-saving tools for both doctors and their patients who may not have access to higher, acute facilities.
It’s Affordable
Many TeleMedicine services now accept insurance, making a patient’s visit free, or at minimum the same as most deductible or co-insurance amounts for office visits; around $40. For those on a high-deductible plan, paying $40 for an online doctor service is a much cheaper alternative than paying $150 or more for an Urgent Care visit, or over $1200 for a trip to the ER. For employers, group options are low cost and can be a clear asset when creating solutions EEs will value.
It’s Beneficial to Employers
Today, 3 of 5 corporations, or 59% of employers provide digital healthcare benefits to their employees. As an employer, the benefits are straightforward. First, employees can participate in professional consultations for their family members or themselves without taking away from productivity. Second, when employers incorporate these services into their benefit plans, non-emergency care is redirected from expensive ER visits, ultimately saving thousands of dollars or more to the bottom line. Additionally, TeleHealth services offer frequent monitoring from clinicians for those employees who may need regular support due to more chronic issues, reducing trips to the hospital. Reducing these costs have a direct ROI for the employer and relieves the stress on the employee’s pocketbook. Third, many companies are now adding this digital benefit to their packages as a way to recruit new talent.
There’s no doubt 2017 will see a greater opportunity for all to experience the increasing trend of Telemed. Creating a clear communication strategy to make sure employees know how to find, access and utilize this service to the highest potential is key. Vendors who partner with a benefits technology firm that provide these services will have a wealth of web and print material, and in many cases explainer videos, like one we’ve provided to our benefit agency clients. Let us help you create a winning strategy to implement this valuable digital benefit. Contact us for more information.
New Website Launched for Reames Employee Benefits Solutions
We’re excited to show off our latest website redesign for Reames Employee Benefits Solutions, based in Daytona Beach, Florida!
The new Reames website was recently launched with a oceanfront skyline image creating a local, modern feel that is easy to navigate.
The site is mobile-responsive, clean and concise, and provides a one-stop resource for potential and current clients.
Visit the new Reames website at reamesebs.com!
New Website Launched for Byrne Byrne and Company!
The home screen of your website is the first touch for most potential clients! It’s important to create a visually-appealing, easy-to-navigate site that tells your brand story and showcases your services. We’re excited about our latest website redesign for Byrne Byrne and Company, based in Chicago, which features a sweeping skyline backdrop.
The site is mobile-responsive, clean and concise, and provides a one-stop resource for potential and current clients.
Visit the new Byrne Byrne and Company website at byrnebyrne.com!
Byrne Byrne also utilizes our social media marketing solution which includes posting relevant blogs on industry topics, creating and managing social media company pages on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and publishing personalized content from company outreach initiatives!