New Website Launched for GIA
Here is our latest website redesign, just launched for Group Insurance Associates.
The Group Insurance Associates website was recently launched with unique animated videos custom-made for GIA embedded throughout the site. We also embedded an HR360 login widget, link to a custom EBC demo, and UBA news feed. The site is mobile-responsive, easy to navigate, clean and concise, providing a one-stop resource for potential and current clients.
Visit the new GIA site at
Why Is Social Media Important for Small Businesses?
If you’re one of the few small businesses that are not yet plugged into social media, you may be wondering what all the fuss is about. Do you really need to use it, or can you just get by with an optimized website and an e-newsletter? The short answer is yes, you need social media – at least you do if you want to reach customers and stay competitive. Here are just a few reasons why social media is so important for small businesses.
Your customers are already using it.
According to a 2011 report published by Nielson, Americans spend nearly a quarter of their online time on social networks and blogs. This means that chances are much of your target market is already using social media. If you want to reach clients and prospects, you need to be where they are – by using social media you’ll increase the odds that your marketing message will get through to a significant number of them.
It will give you a competitive advantage.
Even though you may not be using social media, your competitors probably are. If that’s the case, you’ll want to add it to your marketing strategy ASAP, or risk falling behind. And if your competitors haven’t yet ventured into social media, rejoice – you can get a leg up on them by taking advantage of this marketing channel before they do.
It will help you connect with your clients and prospects.
Most marketing channels are one-way in nature – a business sends out its marketing message, and the consumer receives it. With social media, you can actually have a conversation. Social media helps to create a community of fans and followers that see you as more than just a business entity. They’ll view you as someone they trust, and people buy from those they trust.
Social media isn’t just for the big boys – it’s a valuable marketing tool for small businesses, as well. It’s here to stay – at least for the foreseeable future – so take the leap and reap the many rewards it offers.
5 Content Tips For Your Facebook Business Page
How much time are you devoting to your Facebook business page? If it’s something you created awhile ago but don’t regularly review, you may be missing a valuable way to grow your business.
Whether your goal is to boost sales, engage with current and prospective customers or simply build awareness of your brand—having a Facebook strategy in mind will enable you to use this immensely popular resource more effectively.
Here are tips for generating content that gets Facebook users hooked and coming back for more:
1. Offer value.
Your Facebook page is a great venue for updates on your business, but don’t get carried away. People don’t want or need an in-depth report on your latest company picnic. Instead, offer greater value by combining a timely mix of content about your business (product tips, sales events, behind-the-scenes items and photos) with third-party content, such as links to industry blogs and forums. This builds your credibility as a resource of value to users.
Try including a regular weekly or monthly feature, such as a “discount of the week” with a special offer on a product or service. Let fans know this is an ongoing feature, so they’ll come back next time as well.
2. Be strategic with images.
Don’t post stand-alone photos of your products or services. Show them being used by happy, satisfied customers. Also, make it easy for fans to tag photos of their own, wherever they use your product or service, and share these as well.
3. Avoid lengthy posts.
You might find every aspect of your business fascinating, but a long, rambling posts will never garner the likes, shares and comments you’re looking for. If you want fans to read your posts, keep them short and sweet, generally between 100-250 characters. (Even shorter posts of 60-80 characters are likely to be more easily absorbed by fans with rapid-fire attention spans.)
4. Focus on engagement.
How can you stimulate users to get involved with your business? Try asking questions and offering polls that invite a response. At the end of a post, remember to invite fans to comment, like or share. When people do respond, keep the conversation going with comments of your own.
5. Connect like a friend, not a business.
Facebook is all about the personal experience, so treating it simply as a promotional outlet will get you nowhere. Post news and updates in a simple, informal and fun way. No marketing hype or press release stuff!
Facebook milestones are one area where a little self-promotion won’t hurt. When you hit 1,000 fans or get 100 or 200 likes for a post, share the news. This makes people feel they’re part of a growing community.
Other content-related tips:
Always link back to your business website and other social media accounts. This boosts your page’s search engine rankings, thus increasing your potential visibility with prospective customers.
Scramble content between posts, videos, photos, contests, polls, etc. Keep things lively and unexpected!
If you run into a dry spell, look to your archives for posts or fans’ comments that can be repurposed or given a new spin. Posts relating your business to pop cultural events are always a hit with Facebook users.
By staying focused on a key principle—Facebook is less about marketing and sales and more about conversations and relationships—you’ll come up with plenty of ideas for content that builds a growing and enthusiastic group of followers.
5 Key Benefits of Email Marketing
Rockstar Technology is your business solution not only for email marketing campaigns but all social media and website needs as well! Contact us today to discuss optimizing your online presence today!
With the overwhelming breakthrough of social media, search engine optimization and mobile marketing, it’s safe to say email marketing is on the verge of death, right? Wrong. Email marketing is alive and well, and it’s arguably the most profitable means of marketing. Here’s why:
Email marketing presents more opportunities for your business and drives a better return on investment. With email marketing, your business can create deeper relationships with a wider audience at a fraction of the cost of traditional media.
1. Email Marketing is Targeted
Email marketing solves all the inherent problems of non-targeted marketing. Gone are the days of placing an advertisement on television, on a diner placemat, or in a periodical with no control of who will see it. With email marketing, you have the ability to control exactly who sees an email by segmenting your contacts based on their lead status, demographics, location or any other data. Targeting emails ensures that your audience receives content suited specifically to his/her needs. Email marketing makes it simple to customize your message for each customer, fostering a higher conversion rate.
2. Email Marketing Increases Brand Awareness
With each email sent, consumers are exposed to your business and your brand. With strategic planning, smart design and targeted content, your business will consistently build value. In doing so, you stay top-of-mind with your audience. Then, when a customer needs products or services, your business stands a much better chance of turning those leads into clients and clients into loyal customers.
3. Email Marketing is Easily Shareable.
There aren’t many forms of marketing as easy to share as email marketing. With the simple click of the forward button, subscribers can share your deals, offers and news with their friends. Subscribers who share your emails are acting as brand advocates. Therefore, when a subscriber shares an email with friends, your brand gains more exposure and credibility.
4. Email Marketing is Measurable
Analytics are indispensable to measuring the success of any campaign. Many marketing channels present ambiguous and estimated results. Email marketing, on the other hand, draws precise and valuable metrics, including delivery rates, open rates, click-to-deliver rates and subscriber retention rates. Even better: these metrics are more than just numbers and percentages. They are insights about your customers behaviors and interests. Use your email marketing campaign as a tool to monitor which information your consumers are most responsive to. From there, you can further target your marketing strategy towards more successful campaigns and topics of interest.
5. Email Marketing is Cost effective.
Perhaps the most appealing advantage of email marketing is the return on investment. No print costs, no postage fees, no advertising rates. Email marketing is as affordable as marketing gets. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing brings in $40 for every $1 spend, outperforming search, display and social marketing.
We Can Help!
In today’s ever-changing digital world, email marketing tends to take a backseat. However, if you haven’t considered email marketing for your business already, now is the time. Email marketing is a targeted, shareable, credible, measurable, and cost-effective tool overlooked by many. Working with a trusted marketing advisor makes the process simple and cost-effective. With a strategic approach, proper guidance and a strong message, your business is sure to benefit from email marketing.
4 Reasons Why Blogging is Important for your Business
There is some debate out there as to whether blogging is still relevant in today’s social media marketing environment.
Regardless if you are a small business, or a multinational company, blogging is integral to your online content marketing strategy.
Here are 4 reasons you need to blog:
1. Drive traffic to your website
2. Increase your SEO/ SERP
3. Position your brand as an industry leader
4. Develop better customer relationships
Drive traffic to your website:
Your blog gives you the opportunity to create relevant content for your customers. Use this as a marketing tactic to drive traffic back to your website.
Make the blog on your website the foundation for all of your social media platforms.
Your business might be on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or anywhere else. Post links – with relevant visuals – of your blog articles to your social sites. Give your social followers a reason to click through to your website.
Additionally, post inbound links directly in your blog articles, to drive traffic to specific landing pages of your website.
Increase your SEO/ SERP:
Blogs increase your SEO. Fresh content is still a key to beating out your competitors in the search engine results page.
Use keywords in your articles. List out the keywords, topics, and categories you want your business to be found with. Use these words, and related expressions when writing your posts.
Of course, whether you actively seek these out or not, blogging regularly about your business, industry, product or customer lifestyle will naturally increase your search keywords. Being intent about your words will only increase results.
Keywords and topics on your website are a significant way in which Google (and other search engines) find your site for these searched words.
Position your brand as an industry leader:
Well written articles demonstrate your company as an industry leader. By posting topics which resonate with your market and show your knowledge, you are marketing your skills for your business, service or product too.
If you are a retailer, for example, write blog posts about your products. Your customers will get to know you as the knowledge source for the products they want.
If you are in B2B, post articulate, well researched articles about your service. Become the hub, or the place to be, for your industry.
You are building trust, too. The more you can show that you are well-versed in your field, the more likely your consumer will trust you to supply what they need.
Your customers additionally benefit from the learning you provide them.
Develop better customer relationships:
Blogs provide another source to deepen the connection with your customer. By connecting directly on your website, your clients are able to get to know your business or product from the comfort of your online home base.
Use this. Again, build trust by being a source of information. Consumers like to be informed, and appreciate that you are the one teaching them.
Additionally, just as on your other social sites, respond to comments and interact with your consumer. If they have questions about a product you are writing about, respond to them directly on your website. Unlike many social sites, a blog is generally searchable on your site for some time. Your website comments last longer than on a Twitter response or Facebook post. Other customers will see your interactions too.
Source: Wishpond
Written by: Krista Bunskoek, PR and Content Marketer @ Wishpond
11 Unusual Social Media Tips to Drive Branding, Clicks and Conversions
Effective social-media marketing helps build successful businesses. A recent study by Shareaholic, which tracked 300,000 websites over four months, suggested that social-media referrals now lead to 30 percent of websites’ overall traffic.
If your business website falls below this benchmark, you may want to consider if your social-media strategy is working. Then again, if your site receives more visits from social media than that rate, you might still want to know what more can you do.
Here are a few strategies to boost social-media marketing to positively impact business growth and sales:
1. Create custom-formatted tweets. Most tweets can become lost in live feeds that seem to stream on with no end, but custom formatting tweets is sure to catch a reader’s attention. Line breaks or a unique font color add welcome change to the monotony of short-form messaging. To have a tweet from your business stand out even more, include a refreshing emoji or a fun symbol, which you can copy and paste from services such as
2. Write longer posts. Though Twitter won’t budge on its 140-character limit, Google Plus is a platform that encourages conversation that can begin with a longer post. For example, a July 7 post by Mike Alton, a St. Louis., Mo., consultant received dozens of comments and more than a hundred +1s.
3. Build Facebook Groups. As organic reach for the Facebook pages of companies continues to diminish, entrepreneurs, marketers and publishers should instead consider creating and managing Facebook Groups. The advantage is that members can opt in to receive direct notifications about updates.
4. Insert embedded call to actions. Add a bit of spice to common Facebook posts and generate even more customer leads. To add call-to-action buttons that drive clicks and traffic, follow Econsultancy’s super simple tutorial.
5. Market across many social platforms. Convert Facebook fans into Twitter followers and LinkedIn connections into contacts that circle your profile on Google Plus. Then by regularly sharing on every social network, you (and your company) will forever be top of mind among your followers.
6. Facilitate meaningful connections. Your clients, customers and users are incredible people, and when you identify like-minded folk, encourage them to interact with one another, over and over again. You will birth relationships that will always reference you as a common interest, reinforcing their love for your company’s brand.
7. Crowdsource user-generated content and showcase powerful visuals. Leverage platforms such as Pixlee to surface and distribute moments that demonstrate the true meaning of your company’s brand to customers.
8. Be a little weird. Playing it safe guarantees nothing. Instead, take a few calculated risks that may prompt your audience (and their friends, fans and followers) to admire your company’s authenticity and laugh, smile and share.
9. Stand behind your actions. The best entrepreneurs know when to fire a bad customer and can do so without regret. Last year Liberty Bottleworks boldly responded to a wildly upset customer with what Adweek described as a “polite but eviscerating reply.” Because the company was forward, honest and entirely reasonable, it won massive support from social-media users and gained many new paying clients.
10. Put a positive spin on things. Rather than joining angry mobs, say something positive and uplifting about important issues that your audience cares about. Social-media users are more likely to follow you if you share happier updates. Emotions are contagious and people enjoy optimism.
11. Provide a bit of structure. When requesting replies, nudge your followers into a certain mind-set. An open-ended question without any guidance on your part may result in only a handful of canned replies. By suggesting a certain format for responses, you’ll see how creative the responses from your followers will become, and if you’re lucky, they’ll also be thinking about you and your company.
Tips for an Awesome and SEO-Friendly Blog Post
Writing a blog post -like all other writing- is a skill. In order to keep your reader interested, you should think about structuring your text and writing in an appealing style. You should help your readers to grasp the main idea of your post by providing headings, subheadings and clear paragraphs. If people understand and like your text, they are much more likely to share, like, tweet and link to your post. And that will increase your rankings! So, in order to improve your ranking in Google, you should definitely try to maximize your writing skills!
For some, writing for SEO purposes and writing to attract and keep attracting your audience could appear as two contradictory goals. However, I totally disagree. Indeed, if you not only want a good but also an SEO-friendly blog post, your text should be written in such a way that the words you want to be found for have a very prominent place. And, using your keywords too often severely damages the readability of your text. So, you definitely should not do that!
In this post, I would like to give some tips on writing blog posts that are both very readable as well as SEO-friendly. I genuinely think those two goals should (and can easily!) go hand in hand!
Elementary writing tips for good blog posts
Before anything, your blog post just has to be a good piece of writing! A lot of bloggers just begin to write after creating a new blog post. They just type what comes to mind. For some, this may be sufficient, because they are natural writing talents. Others may need some help. I always follow the next set of ‘rules’ myself.
1. Think before you write!
Think hard about the message of your text. What do you want to tell your readers? And what is the purpose of your text? What do you want you readers to do at the end of the page? Write down the answers to these questions before you begin writing.
2. Write down the structure of your blog post.
Every post should have some sort of introduction (in which you introduce your topic), a body (in which the main message is written) and a conclusion (which should summarize the most important ideas or deduce some new idea). Write down what you want to write in all these three sections. You now have some sort of summary of your post. The real writing can begin!
3. Use paragraphs.
Everybody uses paragraphs, but make sure to use paragraphs that make sense. Do not start a new sentence on a new line, just because it looks nice. There should be a reason for making a new paragraph. Every paragraph should have a main idea or a main subject. Ask yourself what the main idea of each paragraph is. You should be able to grasp that main idea in only one sentence. If you need more sentences, you simply need more paragraphs!
4. Use Headings.
If you want people to find their way in your articles, you should use subheadings. Subheadings will lead people, help them scan your page, and make the structure of your articles that much clearer.
5. Use signal words.
Signal words help people to scan through your text and help people to grasp your main idea. If you, for instance, have three reasons for wanting to sell a product, you should use signal words as: First of all, Secondly and Finally. Also, words as Nevertheless, Surely and Indeed also give a clear signal to your readers. Readers will instantly get that a conclusion will follow after words as Thus, So or Therefore. Signal words are thus very important to structure your text.
6. Let other people read your post.
Before publishing your post, let someone else read your post first. Ask him/her whether or not he understands the main idea of your post. Correct typo’s and sentences that are not formulated correctly.
Benefit Communication in the Mobile World – Benefits Technology
Benefit and HR communications have long been a challenge for HR departments and the benefit consultants that support them. The struggle to communicate effectively with employees so that they better understand and utilize their employee benefits has made little progress in recent years. Now more than ever benefit professionals are looking at cross selling voluntary benefits to generate new or additional revenue sources, and the need for better communication with employees is even more vital.
The topic of how better to leverage the latest in technology is a regular in our industry news and articles, mostly related to marketing for new business. Until recently we have all looked at paper, onsite enrollers, and email blasts to try to interact with employees so they will understand and use their benefits. The simple problem with these options is that they are all very easy to ignore and often miss entirely. These methods are work-related and as we all know work is the easiest thing to tune out or save for some later date that never seems to arrive.
The clear opportunity before us all is that better utilizing technology and social media for employee-directed material is the true “ah-ha” moment that has been missing. Utilizing the technology that employees use and access 100 times a day is the real key to interacting with your employees and getting the response you crave. Platforms like mobile-friendly websites, SMS/text-based reminders, and social media profiles are the next generation of employee engagement.
Case in point: at the next enrollment meeting notice before, after, and sadly DURING the presentation how many employees check their mobile devices. I think we can all agree they are probably NOT checking if a vital work email has come through. Text messages and social media clearly rule the attention of employees and ask yourself how much of that attention do you have?
Examples to consider adopting for your agency:
- Text-based messaging blasts
- Social media / hashtag content posts
- Incentive-driven voluntary benefit sign-ups
Each solution could be easier than you think to leverage and might be a simple extra step with how your clients may already be connected with employees. Be intentional and meet with your client and ask what types of communications they may already be doing and suggest one or more of these options. There are various vendors that can support and provide these services so do a little homework in advance to feel comfortable with delivering on your ideas.
Jeff Hill has been passionate and working with Benefits Technology since 1998 starting with Resource Financial Group in Austin, TX. Developing employee benefit platforms for the broker community related to benefit websites, online and paperless enrollment, and communications has been Jeff’s constant focus in all areas of professional work. Jeff was on the original staff as Director of Technology for United Benefit Advisers and traveled the country presenting to agencies on how to best use technology to attract and win new business. As a leading expert in web design for the employee benefit market, his work has been utilized by agencies, carriers, and benefit industry professionals nationwide.
As President of eTekhnos Benefit Technology, Jeff has led the company to annual double-digit growth and new innovations in the benefit technology industry. eTekhnos is also the nation’s only Benefit Industry-focused web design and internet marketing agency. The benefit world is very unique in its marketing and branding needs and eTekhnos knows that world inside and out. eTekhnos saves agencies time and money and delivers stunning client technology web design and social media content.
5 Benefits of Blogging for Your Small Business
If you run a small business, chances are you are wondering if blogging is worth the time and effort. The short answer is a resounding YES! Blogging on a frequent basis is a relatively easy, inexpensive way to enhance your inbound marketing efforts, drive traffic to your site, and attract more perspective customers.
The Case for Small Business Blogs
Here are some of the most important benefits of having a blog for your business:
- Boost Search Engine Optimization-Search engines love fresh content. What better way to provide frequent content than with blog posts. By blogging consistently, you give Google and other search engines new content to index and you create opportunities to plug in those all-important keywords to increase your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPS).
- Develop Relationships with Potential and Existing Customers-Blogging allows you to connect with your site visitors. This can be accomplished by asking your readers questions at the end of your posts to get the conversation going or by simply allowing comments and feedback. By reviewing and responding to readers’ comments, you can create a rapport with your audience, build trust, and gain valuable insight into what your customers are looking for.
- Establish Your Business as an Industry Leader-No matter how small your business is, you can build trust and clout within your industry by providing valuable, expert information in your blog posts. Over time, you become a “go to” resource for helpful, informative content, which can ultimately lead to higher customer conversion rates. This is especially important for small businesses looking to gain credibility to compete with larger companies.
- Connect People to Your Brand-Blog posting allows you to show a personal side of your business that perspective and current customers won’t see through outbound marketing techniques. Blogging gives others a sense of the corporate standards, vision, and personality of your company.
- Create Opportunities for Sharing-Every time you blog, you create an opportunity for your audience to share your blog with others. Whether they link to your blog post, tweet it, or email it to others, it’s free marketing and it further validates you as a credible business.
From a practical standpoint, blogging just makes sense. With minimal effort and expense, you can build credibility, boost search engine rankings, increase website traffic, and foster relationships with potential and current customers. This is an opportunity no small business should pass up.
Read More – By Kelly Thomas Mango
We are here to help with your blogging needs! Rockstar Technology can drive traffic to your site with a new blog that can be integrated with all your social media outlets!
Become a Rockstar Business on the Internet!
How your business is seen on the internet is, in today’s world, likely your strongest advertising tool. People, more than ever, are turning to the internet to find services, products, and just about anything under the sun. The strength of your online presence says a lot about your business!
Does your business have a Rockstar presence online or are you just behind to those companies who do? Your company needs to be represented well on the internet as archaic methods of marketing, paper ads, direct mail, etc. are no longer the most effective marketing tools. Don’t get left behind online and lose out on major potential growth opportunities for your business!
One of the best, and often fun, ways to increase your businesses online presence is through the power of social media. Social media has quickly become the future of communication and it gives businesses the ability to rapidly, cost effectively, and personally build relationships with their current and potential customers. Social media encompasses an array of internet based tools and platforms that can, when managed correctly, help your business grow!.
Social Media Marketing is fast becoming the future of business advertising! Social Media Marketing is sometimes called “Inbound Marketing”. This is the process of utilizing social media outlets to gather and increase traffic or attention for your business through a webpage, blog, and social media sites. These would include, but are not limited to things such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Social media is a great way to draw customers to you … which is exactly the point of all advertisement in the first place!
Many companies do not realize the need for this type of marketing until it’s too late. Comments and feedback through client testimonials are often ranked higher with Google than a website, this is because little or no effort was put into developing a positive online relationship.
The list of positives to having a strong and aggressive social media strategy for your business is endless. Building an online relationship with your customer market breeds loyalty, trust, and increased profits! When customers trust you they share with their friends … often times through social media which continues to grow your online presence.
Social media marketing is here to stay and we are here to help! We would be happy to provide an assessment of your website, blog, or other internet platform and would be honored to help you take it to the next level. We have a variety of marketing plans to fit every niche and budget! Contact us to get started today!