BenefitsEasy Platform
BenefitsEASY is THE SOLUTION for effective employee education and communication on all things Benefits, HR, and Company Resources.
Custom Benefit Portals
Open Enrollment Communication
Benefit Video Library
Employee Education Resources
Email/Text Communication
Virtual Benefits Events
Communication Strategy and Presentations
Our team will work with you to develop a custom communication strategy to present
and deliver to clients and prospects with ease.

Employers will love...
- Branded to each employer to provide exactly the site they need
- Benefit plans, HR docs, and Onboarding online 24/7
- Monthly updates of employee education videos
- Multi-language option available
Agencies will love...
- White-labeled to your agency
- No training required – our team fully manages
- Customized around your agency branding
Custom Portal Examples

Providing Benefit and Education Videos just became a whole lot easier.
Access a huge library of videos to brand and use any time.
The employee benefits library is a robust and easy-to-understand resource for providing effective benefits education to your clients.
- Plan Education Videos (Medical, Dental, Disability, etc.)
- Open Enrollment Guides
- Understanding Health Insurance
- Healthy Lifestyle Topics
- Wellness Resources
- And much more…
Each video is designed to help employees better understand
and utilize their benefit plans.
Simplified Pricing
The BenefitsEASY platform is designed for Agencies and Employers to adopt effective solutions at an affordable price.
- Custom Portals starting at $75 per month
- Solutions can be bundled or available a la carte.
- No contracts required